首先打开网页Shields.io和我同款的徽标需要找到 Dynamic 这个标题
我选择的是 json 格式不会别的 ┭┮﹏┭┮,首先的这个 label 是徽标左边的文字内容可以自己填写,第二个是 json 文件的链接,我把文件放在了图床里,第三个是解析 json 获取其中数据
可以进入此页面 JSONPath
可以通过 JSONPath 解析到相应对象下的数据,下面是我的代码,可以通过$.phoneNumbers[0].type获取到第一项,获取第二项的话把其中的 0 改为 1
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| { "firstName": "BoB", "lastName": "BoB", "age": 22, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "上班摸鱼中🐟" }, { "type": "下班休息啦🌙" } ] }
后三项分别为颜色,徽标第二块的前缀和后缀,可以不用填,直接点击按钮Make Badge,结果如下:
复制左边代码,然后将 style=social&,复制到制作徽标页面的网址的json?后面,就可达成最终效果。
取自 Fomalhaut 大佬的 本站同款页脚
插件,因为我将页脚直接写成一个 pug,个人觉得插件很多冗余的地方用不到,因此卸载了,否则会冲突:
| npm un hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify --save
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| -footer_beautify: - enable: - timer: true # 计时器开关 - bdage: true # 徽标开关 - priority: 5 #过滤器优先权 - enable_page: all # 应用页面 - exclude: #屏蔽页面 - # - /posts/ - # - /about/ - layout: # 挂载容器类型 - type: id - name: footer-wrap - index: 0 - runtime_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify@1.0.0/lib/runtime.js - runtime_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify@1.0.0/lib/runtime.css - # 徽标部分配置项 - swiperpara: 0 #若非0,则开启轮播功能,每行徽标个数 - bdageitem: - - link: https://hexo.io/ #徽标指向网站链接 - shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Frame-Hexo-blue?style=flat&logo=hexo #徽标API - message: 博客框架为Hexo_v6.2.0 #徽标提示语 - - link: https://butterfly.js.org/ - shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Theme-Butterfly-6513df?style=flat&logo=bitdefender - message: 主题版本Butterfly_v4.3.1 - - link: https://vercel.com/ - shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted-Vercel-brightgreen?style=flat&logo=Vercel - message: 本站采用多线部署,主线路托管于Vercel - - link: https://dashboard.4everland.org/ - # https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted-4EVERLAND-3FE2C1?style=flat&logo=IPFS - shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted-4EVERLAND-22DDDD?style=flat&logo=IPFS - message: 本站采用多线部署,备用线路托管于4EVERLAND - - link: https://github.com/ - shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Source-Github-d021d6?style=flat&logo=GitHub - message: 本站项目由Github托管 - - link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ - shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Copyright-BY--NC--SA%204.0-d42328?style=flat&logo=Claris - message: 本站采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享4.0国际许可协议进行许可 - swiper_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiper.min.css - swiper_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiper.min.js - swiperbdage_init_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify/lib/swiperbdage_init.min.js
为块的 DOM,其中分为了格言、猜你想看、推荐友链
三部分,参考图中的位置结合自己的喜好进行修改即可,图像、文字和链接均替换成你自己的(记住不要用我的链接!!!);if theme.footer.owner.enable
起这一块是主题指定的信息版权信息,我把主题配置项的 copyright
和 custom_text
这两项留空了,因此只会显示©2022 By Fomalhaut🥝
(©2022 - 2023 By BoBOvO);再然后就是#workboard
这块,这块的信息由 js 逻辑写入与更新,可以自定义;最后是p#ghbdages
这块,是徽标显示,大家可以到 shields.io上面徽标制作 按照自己的信息生成(不要用我的!!!):
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if theme.footer.owner.enable - var now = new Date() - var nowYear = now.getFullYear() if theme.footer.owner.since && theme.footer.owner.since != nowYear .copyright span!= `<b>©${theme.footer.owner.since} - ${nowYear}</b>` span!= `<b> By ${config.author}</b>` else .copyright span!= `<b>©${nowYear}</b>` span!= `<b> By ${config.author}</b>` if theme.footer.copyright .framework-info span= _p('footer.framework') + ' ' a(href='https://hexo.io')= 'Hexo' span.footer-separator | span= _p('footer.theme') + ' ' a(href='https://github.com/jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly')= 'Butterfly' if theme.footer.custom_text .footer_custom_text!=`${theme.footer.custom_text}`
p#ghbdages a.github-badge(target='_blank' href="https://hexo.io/" style='margin-inline:5px' title="博客框架为Hexo_v6.3.0") img(src="https://sourcebucket.s3.ladydaily.com/badge/Frame-Hexo-blue.svg" alt='')
a.github-badge(target='_blank' href="https://butterfly.js.org/" style='margin-inline:5px' title="主题版本Butterfly_v4.3.1") img(src="https://sourcebucket.s3.ladydaily.com/badge/Theme-Butterfly-6513df.svg" alt='')
a.github-badge(target='_blank' href="https://vercel.com/" style='margin-inline:5px' title="本站采用多线部署,主线路托管于Vercel") img(src="https://sourcebucket.s3.ladydaily.com/badge/Hosted-Vercel-brightgreen.svg" alt='')
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这块东西;其中 currentTimeHtml
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| var now = new Date() function createtime() { now.setTime(now.getTime() + 1000) var start = new Date('08/01/2022 00:00:00') var dis = Math.trunc(23400000000 + ((now - start) / 1000) * 17) var unit = (dis / 149600000).toFixed(6) var grt = new Date('08/09/2022 00:00:00') var days = (now - grt) / 1e3 / 60 / 60 / 24, dnum = Math.floor(days), hours = (now - grt) / 1e3 / 60 / 60 - 24 * dnum, hnum = Math.floor(hours) 1 == String(hnum).length && (hnum = '0' + hnum) var minutes = (now - grt) / 1e3 / 60 - 1440 * dnum - 60 * hnum, mnum = Math.floor(minutes) 1 == String(mnum).length && (mnum = '0' + mnum) var seconds = (now - grt) / 1e3 - 86400 * dnum - 3600 * hnum - 60 * mnum, snum = Math.round(seconds) 1 == String(snum).length && (snum = '0' + snum) let currentTimeHtml = '' ;(currentTimeHtml = hnum < 18 && hnum >= 9 ? `<img class='boardsign' src='https://sourcebucket.s3.ladydaily.com/badge/F小屋-科研摸鱼中.svg' title='什么时候能够实现财富自由呀~'><br> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold">本站居然运行了 ${dnum} 天 ${hnum} 小时 ${mnum} 分 ${snum} 秒 <i id="heartbeat" class='fas fa-heartbeat'></i> <br> 旅行者 1 号当前距离地球 ${dis} 千米,约为 ${unit} 个天文单位 🚀</div>` : `<img class='boardsign' src='https://sourcebucket.s3.ladydaily.com/badge/F小屋-下班休息啦.svg' title='下班了就该开开心心地玩耍~'><br> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold">本站居然运行了 ${dnum} 天 ${hnum} 小时 ${mnum} 分 ${snum} 秒 <i id="heartbeat" class='fas fa-heartbeat'></i> <br> 旅行者 1 号当前距离地球 ${dis} 千米,约为 ${unit} 个天文单位 🚀</div>`), document.getElementById('workboard') && (document.getElementById('workboard').innerHTML = currentTimeHtml) }
setInterval(() => { createtime() }, 1000)
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| inject: bottom: + - <script defer src="/js/runtime.js"></script> # 页脚计时器